Data processing
Robinson List
Following your mailing you receive not only orders but also inquiries from consumers. For example, they would like to know more about where you obtained their address or want to have it blocked for the sending of further advertising material.
We will help you reduce the number of these time-consuming inquiries. Commissioning us to handle the data processing for your campaign will give you access to the “Robinson Lists” of Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e.V. (German Dialogue Marketing Association) and I.D.I. Interessenverband Deutsches Internet e.V. (German Internet Interest Group). These black files can be used to identify and block the addresses of those persons who do not wish to receive any addressed advertising. In addition to this, we can give you access to various other black files that enable you to significantly reduce the number of potential complainants who receive a mailing from you.
Interested? Then get in touch with us right away and make use of these blacklists for the data processing for your next mailing.
Liebetrau Listservice’s services in the field of DATA PROCESSING:
Lars Mühlschlegel Tel.: +49 (0)2 21/99 22 53 21
Our data processing takes you over every hurdle...
... on the way to a successful mailing. Feel free to request an offer to meet your specific needs.